
SM Global Audition in Sydney 2016 - Experience

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I've already posted this on my tumblr but I do think my experience will be able to help many other hopefuls who are interested to audition for SM in the future, especially if you're a model as I found it difficult to find information on previous experiences that were detailed about modelling so hopefully this experience log will be of great help to you!

So a few days ago (Saturday 16/4/16) my friends and I decided to go the the SM Global Auditions in Sydney just for fun and the experience of a lifetime!

All 4 of us applied around 2 weeks before the audition and we receive confirmation emails immediately but the email for the audition times approximately a week later? My friend (Let’s call her M) didn’t even get an email for an audition time but if this happens to you don’t worry about it because they do not check at all if you’ve applied online. My audition time was at 3pm but I had tutoring until 1pm which was quite far from the auditions so after a trek (trackwork omg) we got at the hotel at approximately 2:30pm. SHOUTOUT TO THE LOVELY GIRLS WHO WISHED US LUCK FROM ACROSS THE ROAD you guys were really sweet :)

When we entered, there were already heaps of people leaving cause we were pretty late and we went into the grand ballroom which had a desk at the door with 2 girls who handed us an application form which we filled in on the ground and a sticker with a number on it (I was 15416). Typical stuff - name, birthday, ethnicity/nationality, school/grade, height/weight, email, phone numbers, address, what you applied for and experience. You keep you form with you and a male staff member would call out 10 numbers at a time and collect your forms and lead you to a row of chairs to sit in. The room had various posters on it and 2 projector screens playing sm music videos. CONTRARY TO WHAT I EXPECTED, people weren’t very social and most people kept to themselves. no one practiced at all in the ballroom so we left the ballroom and went to the carpark to practice since there were still like 100 people before us. Most girls wore lots of makeup and everyone was so good looking it was kind of intimidating. Everyone there looked older than me tbh (I’m 17) and dressed relatively casually though some people went all out with their looks.

After around an hour and a half later, the male staff called 20 numbers to line up at the back of the ballroom which included mine and we were lead by a girl to the lift where we had to go up to level 1. We were lead to Audition Room B (there were 2 audtion rooms btw) and we had to line up outside because the previous group hadn’t finished yet. A female staff member told us to line our bags in the hallways and be quiet and read us the rules and stuff. After around 15 mins, the auditionees before us exited the room but we still couldnt go in because someone got held back!! the door was closed so we could only hear him singing and we were surprised because whilst he was decent at singing, he definitely wasn’t the best in his group. The judge even corrected him on his pitch and his singing several times and made him repeat until he could hit the high notes and made him sing some scales. it’s funny cause we were whispering outside about how he must be REALLY GOOD LOOKING and when the door opened and he exited, he really was! Like he had really nice skin and hair, he was Korean and he just overall looked like a kpop idol already. So many regrets of not talking to him or finding out his name because I had actually noticed him in the waiting room :3

We were told to go in with the first 10 people in our group lining up against the wall. BTW this wall looks exactly like the walls you see in the audition videos online with a large poster covering the whole wall which has all the SM artists on them. The other 10 which included us 4 sat on chairs on the left side of the room. The boy who got held back from before came in again and sat next to the camerawoman and played on his phone so I’m guessing they really liked him :O (Future SM trainee anyone???) There was one table where 2 ladies sat (not sure if they were both judges cause only one lady ever spoke and the other just sat there eating skittles LOL). There was also a camera woman who looked very young (under 20!!) and she was the translator cause the judge didn’t speak a lick of english. The first girl started to sing and SHE WAS SO GOOD. She sang if I ain’t got you by Alicia Keys and after she finished, the judge asked her to sing another song which I hadn’t heard of before. But the judge told her that her pitch was off and was lower i think? and told her to re-sing the first song and then proceeded to tell her that she was wrong and her pitch was actually off because she was higher and that was that. She said ‘next’ and they went to the next auditionee. If you were a model or dancer, they skipped you along the line. Everyone was actually so good and it freaked me out cause I was hoping for everyone to be terrible tbh so I wouldn’t be the worst one aha. One girl forgot her lyrics to Good Day by IU and her friend had to help her but the judge was quite nice and didn’t mind. No one else got asked to sing again even though they were all so good! The singers from the first 10 got asked to leave and then the dancers and models from that group and the next 10 were asked to come to the middle. The female dancers went first. There were 4 of them and they were asked to stand in a V formation with 2 at the back and 2 at the front and the judge played some music from her phone. I can’t remember the songs but they were all pretty mainstream and if you’re a hip hop dancer, you should have no problems at all with these songs cause they were all pretty easy to freestyle to. She changed the music twice maybe 3 times? TO THE GIRL WHO KEPT TRYING TO STAND IN FRONT OF MY FRIEND, that was so not cool. You were already at the front, you didn’t need to place yourself smack bang in the middle. It didn’t make your dancing look better, it just made you look greedy. And I’m sure the judge noticed your greediness too because she kept asking you to move over but you just kept moving back to the middle. NOT COOL MAN. After the first batch of songs, the judge asked the girls at the back to come to the front and vice versa and stand in a zigzag formation. AGAIN TO THAT GIRL, another girl was already standing in the middle, it was very rude of you to stand there as well and force her to move to the side. The judge played another 2 or 3 songs and the dancers were asked to leave. Next were the male dancers, there were 3 of them and the same thing happened where they had 2 or 3 songs, switched positions and played another 2 songs.

NOW TO THE MOST EXCITING BIT. The models. There were 2 girls, one of them being my friend M. M btw is approx 175cm i think and she also wore some very high heels making her basically 1 and a half heads taller than everyone else. They asked the 2 of them to line up against the wall, do 3 poses, walk to the front, do 3 poses, walk to the back, do 3 poses and so on until the judges asked them to stop. This was done to some music that I don’t know the names of. After maybe 6 poses, they stopped the music and asked them to do it individually. The first girl was cute but she kept repeating the same poses over and over again so the judge asked her if she had any other poses. They thanked her and she left. NOW IT WAS M’S TURN. And they just kept making her do it over and over again whilst the judges whispered by themselves in Korean. Eventually they stopped the music and asked her to stand against the wall and stand with her legs together whilst they looked at her. Then they asked her to life her hair up above her head and then lift her front fringe up as well. i was getting sooooo excited!!! They asked her heaps of questions including when she came to Australia from China (she was born here), which part of China her parents came from, and why she was born in 2016 (LOL SHE FILLED IN THE FORM WRONG but the judges were laughing along with her and just found her cute). Then they got the translator to come look at her experience in which she already had an agency. Then they asked her questions on her contract with that agency, how long it was for, when did she sign it, would she be able to sign another contract since she was already contracted etc and I was about to jump out of my seat as I was holding hands with my other friend S. I was about to cry legit, I had tears in my eyes cause they absolutely loved her and I was so happy for her and so proud. Then they took a bazillion photos/videos of her from different angles, with hair up, hair down etc. They even got the other judge lady to stand next to her just so they could see the height difference!! It was very big! The judge kept writing stuff on her form and after what seemed to be hours (but probably more like 30 mins+) they thanked her and she could go. BUT I AM SO VERY SURE SHE IS GOING TO GET A CALLBACK CAUSE THEY ADORED HER SO SO SO MUCH.

Then it was the rest of our turns, 5 singers including me and S. We were lined against the wall and told to sing, one after the other. I got through the first verse and chorus of the song before she said ‘next’ but the judge was very nice and basically let everyone sing as much as they wanted and said next whenever there was a gap in their song or they stopped themselves. Everyone were amazing singers but I don’t think they were looking for singers or dancers at all because many were talented and good looking but they didn’t show any signs of interest to anyone which was somewhat disappointing but hey it was expected. We were thanked and left and we all went back downstairs where everyone had already gone (we were one of the last groups to audition) and all the posters had gone too :( WE REALLY WANTED TO TAKE THEM. One of the male SM staff members came up to us and asked us how the audition went and we were just like looool it was alright ^^ and we asked if there were any posters we could take because I HAVE NO SHAME WHATSOEVER. but he just laughed and told us they ripped them up and threw them away already :(

Sorry this was so long but overall it was fun and exciting (Hopefully a callback for M which would be absolutely amazing) and no regrets :)